Tuesday, May 4, 2010

the PROS and CONS

Ever wondered what it would be like to live with your best friends? Well there are most definitely positives and negatives. We all LOVE living together, but it doesn't always work out that way.

The BAD side to living with your friends:
  • You work out each others annoying wee habits
  • People use your favourite cup and wonder why you get shitty.
  • Your body wash seems to go down awfully fast
  • Some people don't wash dishes properly.
  • People have different habits to you (ie when cooking) and it gets annoying!
  • Boys eat way more food than girls and its never fair!
  • Some people use their heaters when everyone else is going without to save power
  • When people go home and not tell you
The AWESOME parts about living with your friends:
  • There is always someone to talk to about anything
  • Someone is always there to procrastinate with
  • You never really get lonely`
  • You have permanent buddies to ride to school on the bus with
  • Learning to live with others
  • Everyone is there for you when you need them most
  • They always wanna see the same movies and watch the same tv programmes
  • Someone understands you and your POV
  • Your get to hang out with your best friends all the time
  • All the memories are generally happy
  • They're all you need to have a good time
  • A hug is never far way
  • They are like your second family
We have so much fun here. Sure everyone gets a little angry every so often, but hey, thats real, thats life, we would be worried if it was all sunshine and rainbows the whole time. How boring would that be? Variety is the spice of life right?

So here is to being young! to being independent! and to having amazing friends that will hold your hand, defend your honour, laugh with you, tease you, cry with you and just be there for you!

and lastly, in the words of a late great . .

"I get by with a little help from my friends"
-John Lennon

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