Monday, May 17, 2010


Sometimes in life there are moments when everything just falls down, where those barriers, those strong walls, just coming crashing down around you and you are left raw and exposed, yet feeling so alone. It is in these times when one beings to question everything - what am I doing here? is this really what I want? why is everything just so hard?

Lonliness is a terrible thing. I'm generally someone who doesn't really get lonely - I like having my alone time, but am never really lonely. I think though, that when you start putting up barriers around you - creating invisible lines that you don't know are there until you see the gaps starting to form - that you really feel like you are alone in the world. Looking at it this quote is so true:

I think though, when you realise that there is no one who wants to break them down, it when you really get disheartened. When you realise that all that time you spent listen to people talk about their big issues - there love lives, their parents, their issues with this that and everything else - and they can't even take a few minutes out of their lives to ask how you are, is when things go a little pear shaped.

Now I really am not someone who likes to always be the center of attention - in fact generally i'm the one who gets angry at that person - and at the moment its sounding like all I want is everyones attention. But to be perfectly honest I never realised how entirely terrible it feels when it seems like your going at this thing alone.

So now I have a renewed understanding for all you people out there who can't cope anymore and who struggle through life - because even though only for a little while, I think I can now understand a lot more of what it really feels like to be so down you just feel like giving up.

So. When you have a friend who is generally very happy-go-lucky and smiley and just happy to be alive all the time - make sure you make sure they're okay. I'm pretty sure that is the hardest place to be - cause when your down no one sees any need to help pick you back up.

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