Friday, May 7, 2010

another day . . another issue.

Sometimes I wonder why I do it, why I put up with all the crap that people give me. I hate people pack an absolute sad for no reason other than the fact that they didn't get their own way! We aren't five and mummy and daddy aren't here to do everything for you now. When asking a simple, innocent question and getting snapped at like there is no tomorrow is potentially not the funnest thing after a long hard week. Sure, we are all tired, but what gives you any right to take it out on everyone else.

Sometimes I just wish that people would grow up. And stop being so damn pathetic.


The above rage was from about two hours ago. Since then I have been baking. Baking always calms me down. Some nice alone time! Peach and Cinnamon muffins . . YUM! Also I watch idol and a comedy gala which was all very good.

Just shows how your mood can change huh?

I also got the most fantastic news about a close relative who is over their very serious illness, so all in all it has ended up a good night.

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